Is There a Reformed Christian in the House?

Since I discussing religion I need to add my furry disclaimer:

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer (Action) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the neither furry community nor posting of my opinion does not in any way enter a convenient relationship with the furry community.

In other words do lay this “why you are causing drama in the furry community” line on me. I am not you and you are not me. In addition, I never recalled joining your idea of community and have to sway over my life. Finally, you do not have to read what I am posting below the cut.

Recently a few incidents of legalism and liberalism on two furry christian board has me starting me think about furry Christians or any Christian fan group The first two involved garden varsity of American evangelical. Where you might have the gospel of Christ buried in legalism of the law. The first time , the person was advocating legalism questioning that any Christian should not call themselves a furry because of immorality of some in the fandom and second time over a miss-quite of Deuteronomy 22:5 because I as a man sports a Hello Kitty backpack. To add injury the same person misused Romans 14 the weaker bother passage or in a way some has called it the tyranny of the weaker bother. I have tried to correct this person with some success.
Still it got me thinking about the serious problem of Christian fandom. As long as it simply about the fandom and supporting Christians in enjoying furry art, literature; I have no problem. The problem is when such fandoms try to become a Christian Ministry, and then the problem is whose Christianity? Is it the Christianity of sound and proper handling of the scriptures or of error of work righteousness of Rome and American Evangelicalism, or the abandonment of scripture of modern liberalism? It is sad I as a furry is more comfortable with non Christianity furries because at least with the non believer we know where each other coming from, no true with a Christian. (a sad commentary of the state of Christianity in America)

Then the question for the Reformed Christian is how does one deal with doctorial differences in the fan group when the group is more about and pushing these irreconcilable differences? Do I start a reformed furry group? As I think about do I really need to be part of a furry board to espouse sound doctrine? Do I stay or time to break ties with christian furry fandom and just be a devote Calvinist reformed and Anglican that happens to be furry. I already made one decision, I will not be pursuing Christian fandom panels at any fur con because I cannot say for certain whose Christianity will have sway.
Perhaps we should not call ourselves furry christian but furries who happen to be Christian.

One thought on “Is There a Reformed Christian in the House?

  1. Pingback: Christian Furs: When It Became Time To Take Separate Paths. | Acton's Hermitage

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